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How It Works

STEP 1: CONTACT US - Get in contact with our staff by using the "Get a Quote" tab to the right of this text!


STEP 2: GARMENT - While contacting us through the "Get a Quote" form, you can specify if you have a garment style or brand in mind. If you aren't sure, don't worry, we can help! We have access to many different styles and colors of t-shirts, long sleeves, hoodies, polos, and so much more!


STEP 3: ARTWORK - If you already have artwork, that is great! You can send us any file form but PNG is best to work with. If you do not have art, no problem! We love to draw and create art for our customers. With sublimation we can print up to 40 colors in your design.  


STEP 4: MOCKUP - When we have your garment chosen and your art is finished, we will send you a digital mockup of what your print will look like!


STEP 5: TIME TO ORDER - When the mockup is approved by you, we will send over an invoice and give you an estimated date your order will be finished!


STEP 6: ORDER IS COMPLETE - Once the invoice is paid, we will start printing. We will keep you updated along the way!




Get a Quote

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